Engineered to enjoy. Since 1677.

Plant technology & expansions

The most innovative system supplier for turnkey brewing and malting plants, distilleries and special vessels.

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In a time when awareness of responsible alcohol consumption and the variety of alcohol-free beverages is steadily increasing, SCHULZ has developed its own system with an innovative process that enables small and medium-sized breweries to
produce alcohol-free beer of the highest quality. The SCHULZ Wizard utilizes a vacuum-based alcohol evaporation process, which operates in parallel to the pasteurization section of a conventional flash pasteurization system. This exposes the beer to lower thermal stress. Additionally, the system features a pressure tank, which serves as a buffer tank during flash pasteurization and is used as a storage tank for deaerated water during the dealcoholization process to adjust the desired final gravity of the beer. The basic configuration of the SCHULZ Wizard allows for throughput rates of 20, 50, or 75 hl/h and is equipped with a deaeration and evaporation unit. In this unit, the beer circulates until the desired alcohol content is reached. This is followed by re-dilution, carbonation, and, if necessary, blending.

  • Batchwise dealcoholization of beer in a recirculation process
  • Flash pasteurization of beer between two tanks or directly to the filler
  • Carbonation & blending unit
  • Fully automated operation
  • Approx. 12 hours until alcoholreduction below 0.5% alcohol of one tank
  • Available in 20, 50 or 75 hl sizes
  • All-rounder for small and medium-sized breweries

Expand your production possibilities
using our system solutions

KASPAR SCHULZ is the only company in the world in the field of brewing, malting and distilling to offer its customers a full-service package with the best quality in these three segments from a single source.

A multitude of innovations, patents and technical masterpieces are combined in the huge and diverse product range. As the oldest brewery machine manufacturer in the world, we are bringing tradition into the future. Expertise accumulated over three centuries flows into the continuous improvement of our technology and products.

Bucking the growing trend towards outsourcing, we still prefer to do everything ourselves – gladly and highly successfully, at that. If SCHULZ is on the label, the product is an original SCHULZ made entirely in Bamberg from the first production step to plant commissioning.